"I'm not just a photographer, I'm a professional hype girl...

a cheerleader, encouraging you to

see, be & feel your best!"

HI! I'm Alexis...

I’m the owner of Wildflower studios photography. Photography has been a passion of mine since I was 14 years old and I never dreamed it could become my career. I was blessed during the pandemic to be presented with the opportunity to start my small, mom-owned photography business. After many trials and challenges, my business my mission and purpose evolved into what it has become today, Wildflower Studios & Wildflower Boudoir.

"She's a tequila drinking, adventure seeking, travel addicted, joyfully extroverted ball of energy, crazy loud, full time boudoir & branding photographer based out of Asheville NC, but traveling the world to capture every moment of

beauty in God’s coloring book!

She loves her kids, family is everything and she strives to show other women their beauty and worth."

I’m an Asheville native, I was blessed enough to grow up with these beautiful mountains as my backyard.

This inspired a sense of wonder and adventure in me that only grew with me. I treasure my childhood memories, and nothing gets me more emotional than photos. To me photos are tiny treasure chests of emotions and memories, when looking at them, I remember the times, the feelings and the life that lived it.

"I’m just a laid back, goofy girl that wants to have fun,

and never take life too seriously."

I like to shock people with the unexpected and always bring truth and authenticity into every situation. I love the ocean because I find peace in the water and as one of my tattoos states…. Saltwater Heals Everything! I like adventure, I’ve surfed the north shore, ridden in the back of a truck on sketchy mountainside roads in Honduras, climbed waterfalls just to say I got it on at the top of a waterfall, been skinny dipping under a bright moon on my church beach retreat, and threatened a man twice my size with a jellyfish. There is still so much left in life to see and do, and I have no idea what God has in store for me next but I can always trust the next chapter of my life because I know the author.

I have this wanderlust heart to see new things, experience new cultures, and meet new people. I'm always onto the next big adventure. My husband and I love to travel and explore, but when we are tourists somewhere, we like to get the local experience. We want to see what life is like for the people that call that destination home. We want to jump off the water bridges with the local kids after school, eat at the locally owned joints and find the hidden gems that are usually reserved for the locals.

"I'm wild, authentic, sarcastic, I just wanna have fun and create some art while I'm at it!"

Hmmmm........ What Else Can I Say About Me?

Here's A List of Some of My Favorite Things:

  • Ancient Archeology ( I wanted to marry Indiana Jones when I was A kid)
  • Tacos & Pizza. We ate pizza after our wedding ceremony and

served tacos at our wedding reception.... Covid Wedding.

  • Mimosas are my all day go to beverage... or margaritas.... or like a super smokey scotch
  • I LOVE the ocean, I could lay on the beach for 12 straight hours a day
  • My celeb man crush is Jason Mamoa (Hubby has a Mamoa vibe going on 😍)
  • My Netflix playlist looks like this: Vampires, Zombies, End of the world, Comedy, REPEAT
  • Fav Bands: Blink 182 for all time, Nirvana, 3 Days Grace, Logic, Billie Eillish
  • Fav Movies: Blue Crush, Deadpool, can Supernatural count as a movie??

I'm joyfully married to my (I know, it's so cliché) best friend, he is my sarcastic, witty, handsome other half.

This is Nick, my hot husband!

We Have so much fun together!

He is such a fun guy, always the life of the party (unless there's tequila, then I'm the life of the rare party!)

He totally indulges all my crazy ideas and adventures.

I may be the one with the camera in my hand but he is the photographer in the family. He studied photography in college and has an incredibly creative eye. Everything I learned about photography, I learned from him. He is the foundation and the stability that holds our family together.

As my dad put it, he is the ice to my fire, the chill to my wild, the salt to my tequila.

And he is the best dad I could have ever dreamed of for my kids. He is a never failing provider, hard-worker, patient, sarcastic asshole and I wouldn't want it any other way!

He is the best guy I've ever met.

As my wedding vows put it:

"Love is patient, and I’ve never met anyone more patient than you, obviously, I mean, look at me. Love is kind, and you’re only an asshole so other people don’t know how deeply compassionate you truly are. Love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Love is not easily angered, never keeps records of wrongs. Love rejoices in truth and always protects. Love trusts, it hopes and above all it perseveres. True love NEVER fails. Lanie said it best when she said Nick IS love because you literally are love. Every one of the characteristics of love, is also a characteristic that describes you. This is how I am certain that you are my one true love."

Through the good times we have already shared and the soul-crushing lows we have already endured, there is no one I would rather have by my side No one I would rather raise children with, explore the world with with, run through Epcot with or hide googly eyes with than you, it has always been you. As long as you’re the one holding my hand, I know we will weather any storm....."



"These two beautiful babies are my whole life, they are my big why!"

Wildflower Studios

Being a mom is the best gift God ever gave me.

My two beautiful babies are my everything! They are my reason for living, becoming a mother changed the world for me. It changed how I viewed the world, it changed how I viewed my parents and my childhood, it gave me purpose, hope and drive.

My children are my reason for everything. They are my number one priority always. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% part of the Hot Mess Mom Club, but I love them wildly, protect them fiercely and dream for them endlessly.

My spirited and compassionate Lanie, was given to me at a time in my life when I needed her the most. She changed everything for me, not only was she my little mini me but she became my best friend, we were inseparable.

Then 10 years later, along came my wild little man, and while he is the spitting image of my husband, he is me at heart! He is absolutely a fearless, strong-willed wild child.

Both of my tiny cuties can be found climbing a tree, kicking major booty snowboarding or sharing a PB&J. The love they have for each other is like none other, Lyric looks up to and adores his sister more than anything.

My Whole Business is dedicated to my dad

I wouldn’t be where or who I am today without my struggles & pain or without the love & support of my incredible husband and family always encouraging me to be the badass and never give up.

I certainly wouldn’t have this business if it weren’t for my dad, who encouraged me at a time when it felt like I had lost everything and failed, to get back up, start fresh and keep going till I was the best! Every once of success I find pursuing my passion of photography is in his honor. 

My dad was my very best friend in the world, my hero & made me, every bit of who I am today.

My dad is the one who taught me about hard-work, strength, and love. He loved my mother more than any love I have ever seen in my life. He worked hard to give his family a good life. Just as I thought I had lost my whole photography business he set me down, just weeks before he passed and told me to get back up and start over. He left me with the drive to start again, and this time he made me promise that I wouldn't stop or give up till I found the success and achieved the calling God had in my life. He was always the best dad and the very best Papa.

Now That You Know EVERYTHING About Me,

I Want To Get To Know You!
